What is abuse?
There are many different types of abuse. It can be emotional, physical, sexual or financial. It can be inflicted by anyone. It can take place anywhere, in person or online. It can be words, actions, or both.
Whatever the abuse is, it is time for it to stop and all of us have a part to play in ending it. This website talks about abuse towards women and girls, as they are at disproportionate risk, but the support offered here is available to all victims across the West Midlands.
Learn moreNeed help?
If you have experienced abuse of any kind then you don’t have to deal with it alone, and it’s never your fault. Find out what support is available to help you.
Get help
Whether you have experienced abuse, witnessed abuse, or are worried about your own behaviour, there is help available. We’ve compiled a list of some of the local, regional and national services available in the West Midlands.
Learn moreLatest Resources
We’ll regularly update our Resources so you can explore important websites, videos and more from other organisations across the UK.
Sexual assault referral centres
A short animation explaining the role of sexual assault referral centres in supporting victims and survivors of sexual assault and abuse.
Cheer Up Luv
Cheer Up Luv includes an important photo series and accounts of street harassment.
Enough is enough
Enough is enough. Watch the UK Government’s campaign advert.
Our No Excuse For Abuse campaigns focus on raising awareness, education, and challenging harmful behaviours towards women and girls.
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