Missing People is a UK charity that provides specialist support to people who are or at risk of missing, and the families and friends left behind.
Support they offer includes:
- A free and confidential helpline, available round the clock for missing people and their families;
- Family support, including telephone counselling;
- Runaway Helpline, supporting children and young people who are away or thinking of leaving;
- Supporting missing people with returning and reconnection;
- Receiving anonymous sightings and passing to police;
- Case publicity to help families and police appeal and search for a missing person;
- Specialist ‘SafeCall’ service for children and young people, and their families, experiencing exploitation;
- Services, consultancy and training for professionals working with missing people and their families;
- Research into links between missing and specific issues;
- Campaigning and lobbying on behalf of missing people and their families;
Our free, confidential helpline is available by phone, text and email to support missing children and adults, and their loved ones.
Helpline is open 7 days per week, between 9am and 11pm.
Call / Text: 116 000
Email: 116000@missingpeople.org.uk