Turnaround West Midlands provide free, non-judgemental and confidential support for sex workers living and working in Coventry.
Support includes:
- Safety information and support around sexual health, including access to STI testing, contraception, free condoms and pregnancy testing.
- Safety advice, National Ugly Mugs including support to report crimes against you.
- Information on Sex Work, the Law and Sex Workers rights
- Health & Wellbeing
- Budgeting Advice
- Housing Support
- Access to Substance Misuse Services
- Access to Education, Training and alternative Employment
- Support for Migrant Workers
- Support for Victims of Trafficking and Exploitation
- Advocacy Services
Contact Vicky on: 07714252927 Between 9am- 5pm Monday to Friday
E-mail to victoria@turnaroundwestmidlands.co.uk